
Today I finished potting up the last of the bulbs which hopefully will grow happily through the winter months and be ready for sale in ...
/ bridge nursery


Coming back to work after 8 glorious days inTurkey has required some mental adjustment and more layers of clothes! Everything looks very autumnal and even ...
/ bridge nursery

Cafe closing for Winter

The Cafe will close on Friday 21st October for the Winter. We shall let you know the date of re-opening next Spring shortly! Just to ...
/ bridge nursery

Autumn Sale

Oh gosh! It's October again which means our Autumn Sale is on. We have dedicated the first sales bed on the right as a 'sale' ...
/ bridge nursery

Garden Visits and Talks

Due to advancing age and a desire for a little more free time, Christine and I have decided that we will no longer be available ...
/ bridge nursery


Thieving B's have again been at the Southam to Napton phone line and have cut the cable but were obviously disturbed before they could remove ...
/ bridge nursery

Autumn colour

We still have lots of plants which have vivid colours for this time of year. Asters or michaelmas daisies, if you prefer, are a must ...
/ bridge nursery

Viola odorata ‘Alba’

Its the first week of September and I'm starting to divide and pot up plants for next year for all our lovely customers. Today it ...
/ bridge nursery

George at work

/ bridge nursery

George-Rodent control Officer

We have a cat! His name is George and his job is to keep mice down. Picture to follow. He already has a fan club! ...
/ bridge nursery