Early August

Since I last wrote we have been getting some jobs done and we are more or less on top of things. We had the help ...
/ bridge nursery


Is it really summer? Sitting here at 7am looking out at grey skies and damp ground doesn't fill me with any kind of motivation to ...
/ bridge nursery

More weeds

It may not feel like summer what with the endless rain this last couple of weeks and cool evenings but everything is growing at an ...
/ bridge nursery

Who would be a self employed nursery person?

Sometimes, on a sunny day, there might be a customer who says that they wish they had my job. It never happens when it's cold ...
/ bridge nursery

Thoughts while watering

While I was watering the other day I came to the conclusion that it's an activity which makes me anxious. There are many reasons for ...
/ bridge nursery


The soil is almost soupy. Its certainly sludgy, sticky, claggy and just about impossible to work. Oh deary deary me, who would opt to have ...
/ bridge nursery

Jobs-April 2016

I've clicked off all the spam so now I'm ready to write. The bungalow across the road from where we live is soon to be ...
/ bridge nursery

More Snowdrops

Its that time of year again when I realise just how lucky I am because my collection of different snowdrops has increased thanks to the ...
/ bridge nursery

Mid March 2016

After the floods on 9th April we were seriously waterlogged. There was no chance of working in the garden because it was just too soggy ...
/ bridge nursery


Our 'meeter and greeter', George (the cat) has been on his winter holidays at home since just before Christmas. He is a different animal when ...
/ bridge nursery

March 2nd 2016

Today was not a good day for potting up the liners we bought from Lineside Nursery on Monday. It was cold, it was very windy ...
/ bridge nursery

Update February 2016

At last we have enjoyed two or three days of high pressure with sunny calm daylight hours and frosty nights. I almost feel slightly sunburnt! ...
/ bridge nursery