At last I’ve been able to go into the garden without getting rained on or sinking into the mire. The weeds are growing extremely well and the weather seems to have suited dandelions because there are so many of them. I tried offering one penny per flower to Naomi’s boys but they gave up after a short time.
The clumps of Veronica pallida Gentianoides are looking splendid at the moment, their 18 inch tall spikes of pale blue flowers are just so lovely and they do prefer damp conditions. Geranium ‘Bill Wallis’ is flowering very prettily having seeded itself all over the garden, its such a good doer and rarely puts itself in the wrong place. Allium ‘Purple Sensation’ is just beginning to open and promises to look stunning for the next few weeks, there are still a few left for sale. I’m very keen on the rock roses and one in particular called Helianthemum ‘Henfield Brilliant is starting to flower now. It is an unusual burnt orange colour and looks especially good with either the geranium mentioned above or with Euphorbia rubra. We have lots of this rock rose for sale.
Cowslips have grown particularly well this year and they are now getting established in many parts of the garden. I aim to transplant some to the bank at the top of the field where I think they will grow quite happily.