Over the past few weeks Sarah, may part time helper, has brought Sky with her. An elderly Jack Russell, a delightful companion who stays close to her owner most of the time. I’m not normally keen on this breed of
Which month is it?
The calendar says it is May, but if you notice the clothes people are wearing you’d think it was February. At least we seem to be having frost-free nights and the plants are growing well now. Buying a sprinkler might
Behind the Scenes
The demand for plants is far higher than normal. There is a general shortage caused in part by Brexit and partly due to Covid. Importing plants is more expensive, there is more paperwork and there are delays. Not that I
More of the same
I hadn’t realised how long it’s been since I wrote anything here. But in many ways not a lot has changed. The lockdown goes on and on which is not surprising but is very hard to live with. The weather
At Home
Yes, I’m at home and grumpy about the cold wet weather which is preventing me from doing anything outside, again. There are days when I go to work and pretend to do something or work slowly in order to not
On being ruthless
How many of you have areas in the garden which are not pleasing? Maybe there are too many self-seeded plants or something has spread too much or maybe you have simply fallen out of love with a particular plant. There
Am I too old for this?
It is my birthday today, the last one before my 70th and this is very hard to come to terms with. For years I have been fooling myself by saying that I would keep on running the nursery and working
The weather (again)
I’ve probably said before that I will keep doing this work, running the nursery, growing the plants and opening the garden until we have a whole year of perfect gardening weather. This would mean that no records would be broken,
Time flies
It’s such a long time since I last wrote here mainly due to being exhausted at the end of each day. This is not helped by sleeping badly but also trying to do the same amount of work I could
Lockdown Part two Day 36
Since last writing at the very beginning of the lockdown I can now get back to this. The long gap is not due to complete and utter despondency but to having been extremely busy!! After the first two or three