We had a busy day on Friday, not with customers unfortunately, sales were almost a non-event. Our occasional helper George came to finish trimming the native hedge ( having done the hornbeam one the day before). Terry, our volunteer, came and spent the morning raking up and creating a huge pile for burning. Our friend Pat worked with me in the garden during the morning. Its always surprising how much there is to cut down and clear away at this time of year. Philip was also in the garden trimming the galega. All their jobs were finished by 12.30, we had 10 minutes to ourselves then Laura and Molly arrived after dropping Luke off for his mad 100 mile run (over 4 days). We had lunch then Deborah turned up to do the art workshop in the woods. Several children got involved in den building, always a popular activity. Then, later on the fridge-freezer that we’d been waiting for 2 days arrived. Glad to get home at the end of the day for some quiet time.