I hadn’t realised until recently that my aunt had trained at the Waterperry horticultural school for young ladies back in the early 1950’s. When it was suggested by her daughter (my cousin Jilly) that we should meet up there it seemed such a good idea.

Our first attempt to gather together was thwarted when Jilly was too unwell to go. But yesterday we all managed to get there, this included my parents and my brother and his partner. The weather was excellent and, after a quick bite to eat we went into the garden. One or two of our group thought the entrance fee was too pricey but the changed their minds when they saw the long herbaceous border. This was stunning, colourful and buzzing with bees. There was plenty more to see in the magnificent gardens and we all tried to take in as much as possible…….not enough time to really appreciate it all. The Shropshire contingent had to get back to pick up Izzy at 6pm so it was all a bit rushed.  Auntie Jean had a bit of a problem remembering things, it was 60 years since she was studying there and things had changed a lot. She had bought her photo album which she showed to the head gardener, Pat Havers who was kind enough to come and meet up with us even though she was on holiday. A most enjoyable day was had by all. I very much enjoyed a long chat with Pat, (we are both members of a group called the Old Horts).

Before leaving I treated myself to 2 new asters. We have plans to go back next year.

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