I got back from Turkey on 5th October rather shattered by the amount of rushing around we did while I was there. temperatures were in the low 30’s and there had been no rain since May. Consequently everywhere was brown
customer relations
Help. I appear to be doing something wrong. I stroll up to potential customers to see if they would like some help and sometimes get a suspicious look as if to say – why are you talking to me??? Obviously
Beautiful day
It makes a real change to have a perfect weather day. There was hardly any wind for an hour or two this morning so I was able to do some spraying. Gradually it became warmer and warmer and was a
Beautiful morning
The sun shone and there was little wind for a while but it clouded over later. It wasn’t too hot to do a bit of potting and the only customers this morning were really only for the cafe. Me and
Review of Bank Holiday weekend
Well, I was wrong (again). The weather wasn’t as bad as the forecasters had predicted and there were a few people about. I continue to be surprised by customers……..One couple who came in on Sunday bought 3 large bamboos, paid
August Bank Holiday
What a surprise………………its raining and its the last bank holiday until Christmas. Any sensible people will be doing anything except gardening because its mainly a fair weather activity. So we shall potter about and drink coffee and read the sunday
What is going on? We had our best day this year on Saturday. There must have been something on TV about bamboos because we must have sold about a dozen, I lost count, and that is really quite unusual. Other
weed control
I think I’m fighting a losing battle with the rose-bay willow herb. There seems to be a never ending supply of it and very often it sneakily puts itself hard up against or amongst other plants so that its hard
I’ve bought a book! I read the review of ‘The bad tempered gardener’ a while ago and have only just got round to buying it. Thankfully it is completely different from other gardening books in that Anne Wareham is commenting